Laptop Sleeves - Neogreene

Love the squishy feel of neoprene, but hate toxins like VOCs? The green revolution continues with Neogreene, a ground-breaking material that uses the best qualities of neoprene while getting rid of the toxic glues that used to be necessary for holding the material together!


Eco Simple Flash Drive - USB

Need an easy green way to transport information? These sleek eco-friendly flash drives are better for the environment because they contain no lead, mercury, cadium or other toxics, and they decompose easier than their traditional counterparts.



The EcoStrip is a power strip and surge protector for your computer and connected devices (printer, scanner, external hard drive) with one important difference: when you shut down the computer, everything else plugged into the EcoStrip is also shut down. This saves energy and saves you money! There's no programming necessary - you don't even need to turn the EcoStrip off.

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